Thursday, December 22, 2011

12.23.11 Post WRLD Thailand

Fooood we have been getting at!

Strawberries with crazy sugar

Tamarind Candy!!

Farmer's Market in a small town

Stir Fry in Thai

Corrected Mistakes from the last blog post

The fruits we were eating from the last post are not little pomegranates, those are Passion Fruits!

I spelled the name of the village we were staying at incorrectly. It is not called Zos Quav whiceans poop village. It is called “Zos Qhuav” which means The Dry Village. What a difference one letter can make for a Hmong word… sheesh.

Hip Hop

I have been working on a new song in the Hmong Language with my cousins Pha Vue who is also going to perform Hip Hop and Pov Vue who wrote the chorus/melody and plays the guitar for us.

My cousin Pha told me he was inspired by what I do in 2008 and wanted to write his own Hip Hop songs about Hmoob Tob Siab (Hmong People in the Mountains). We worked on both our verses together and this is what we came up with.

Here are excerpts from the song:

Tou SaiKo verse excerpt

Lawv Hais Tias peb haiv neeg Hmoob tsis muaj teb chaws,
yog li ntawv peb sawv daws yuav sawv uake, kom kho-khov*

yam tom ntej nos. Txhuab hnub, txhuab hmos.
Peb lub siab khwv tsis muaj kawg,

tiaj li Ib Txuj tsiv teb tsaws chaws

*tau txoj kev Cawm Dim vim peb muaj zog kawg.

Pha Vue verse

Peb Hmoob toj Siab nyia rau khau khiab,
rau yav tas los, Noj Mov ntshe dej
koom ib rab diav, nyob hau thaib teb,
peb yeej txob nyem, tseem muaj kev hlub.

Pov Vue Chorus

Muaj neeg hais tias, jes khoo dej
noog khoo ntuj, peb hmoob khoo roob
los txog hnub no, tsi muaj kev hlub,
thiaj poob teb chaws, nyob nyias ib sab ntuj
Peb sib nriav, sib cuag,
txawm txoj sia, tuag mus
peb coj hmoob, tsis tuag, mus ib sim (4)
peb hmoob, sib hlub mus ib sim

We are planning on performing this song together for Hmong New Years in the Hmong villages of Thailand. We asked a band to play with us too but let's see if it works out.

Pha Vue "MC Power"

Pov Vue on Guitar and Melody

I apologize that I have not been able to finish this blog due to limited time and something went crazy with the internet and blog structure.

I will try to finish it next time- PEACE Tou SaiKo Lee

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like our performing and I would like to thank you, Tou Lee that you give us some excellencies. I hope to perform with you again in the near future, and thanks for give me heart of artist.